
Function Introduction

The Spartan-NFT-721 proxy contract is used to provide a complete set of APIs corresponding to ERC-721 methods. The interfaces include functions like Spartan-NFT mint, authorization, query authorization, transfer and destruction. The purpose of this set of contracts is to allow end-users to directly create and manage ERC721 NFTs under the governance of BSN Foundation.

Smart contract address:

Spartan-I Chain (Powered by NC Ethereum): 0xD1A6C2dbCdbafbF0eCD033B38B83DbE0904caA4b

Spartan-II Chain (Powered by NC Cosmos): 0x8fC9EC239fe077ce57a5C5D825e47Ffc2979Fbf8

Spartan-III Chain (Powered by NC PolygonEdge): 0x55aa4279ec99E3952803b791b869B8911761f02A


API Definition


Users can mint NFTs by calling this interface.

  • Input parameters: receiver address, NFT name, NFT symbol, uri;

  • Output parameters: none;

  • Function definition: mint (address to, string memory name, string memory symbol, string memory tokenURI);

  • Event parameters: 0x0 address (null address), receiver address, NFT token ID;

  • Event definition: Transfer (address (0), to, tokenID);

  • Example:

   func TestMint(t *testing.T) {
   cli := server.NewETHClientByURL(t, url, key)
   session, err := e.NewERC721Session(cli, common.HexToAddress(Address))
   if err != nil {
   tx, err := session.Mint(common.HexToAddress(owner), "sparton_nft", "sparton_nft", "sparton_nft")
   if err != nil {
   fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("tx Hash: %s", tx.Hash().String()))

Safe Mint

Users can safe mint NFTs by calling this interface.

  • Input parameters: receiver address, NFT name, NFT symbol, uri, attached args;

  • Output parameters: none;

  • Function definition: safeMint (address to, string memory name, string memory symbol, string memory tokenURI, bytes memory data);

  • Event parameters: 0x0 address (null address), receiver address, NFT token ID;

  • Event definition: Transfer (address (0), to, tokenID);

  • Example:

   func TestSafeMint(t *testing.T) {
   cli := server.NewETHClientByURL(t, url, key)
   session, err := e.NewERC721Session(cli, common.HexToAddress(Address))
   if err != nil {
   data := []byte{0x1}
   tx, err := session.SafeMint(common.HexToAddress(owner), "sparton_nft", "sparton_nft", "sparton_nft", data)
   if err != nil {
   fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("tx Hash: %s", tx.Hash().String()))

NFT Authorization

An NFT owner can call this API to authorize the NFT, the sender of the transaction must be the NFT owner.

  • Input parameters: authorizer’s wallet address, NFT token ID;

  • Output parameters: none;

  • Function definition: approve (address to, uint256 tokenID);

  • Event parameters: owner’s wallet address, authorizer’s wallet address, NFT token ID;

  • Event definition: Approval (operator, to, tokenID);

  • Example:

   func TestApprove(t *testing.T) {
   cli := server.NewETHClientByURL(t, url, key)
   session, err := e.NewERC721Session(cli, common.HexToAddress(Address))
   if err != nil {
   tokenId := new(big.Int).SetUint64(1)
   tx, err := session.Approve(common.HexToAddress(account), tokenId)
   if err != nil {
   fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("tx Hash: %s", tx.Hash().String()))

Query NFT Authorization

Users can call this interface to query the NFT authorization.

  • Input parameters: NFT token ID;

  • Output parameters: authorizer’s wallet address;

  • Function definition: getApproved (uint256 tokenID) view returns (address);

  • Example:

   func TestGetApproved(t *testing.T) {
   cli := server.NewETHClientByURL(t, url, key)
   session, err := e.NewERC721Session(cli, common.HexToAddress(Address))
   if err != nil {
   tokenId := new(big.Int).SetUint64(1)
   tx, err := session.GetApproved(tokenId)
   if err != nil {
   fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Account Address: %s", tx.String()))

Wallet Authorization

An NFT owner can call this interface to authorize the wallet address, the sender of the transaction must be the NFT owner.

  • Input parameters: authorizer’s wallet address, authorization ID;

  • Output parameters: none;

  • Function definition: setApprovalForAll (address operator, bool approved);

  • Event parameters: owner’s wallet address, authorizer’s wallet address, authorization ID;

  • Event definition: ApprovalForAll (owner, operator, approved);

  • Example:

   func TestSetApprovalForAll(t *testing.T) {
   cli := server.NewETHClientByURL(t, url, key)
   session, err := e.NewERC721Session(cli, common.HexToAddress(Address))
   if err != nil {
   tx, err := session.SetApprovalForAll(common.HexToAddress(account), true)
   if err != nil {
   fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("tx Hash: %s", tx.Hash().String()))

Verify Wallet Authorization

Users can call this interface to verify the wallet authorization.

  • Input parameters: owner’s wallet address, authorizer’s wallet address;

  • Output parameters: Boolean value;

  • Function definition: isApprovedForAll (address owner, address operator) view returns (bool);

  • Example:

   func TestIsApprovedForAll(t *testing.T) {
   cli := server.NewETHClientByURL(t, url, key)
   session, err := e.NewERC721Session(cli, common.HexToAddress(Address))
   if err != nil {
   tx, err := session.IsApprovedForAll(common.HexToAddress(owner), common.HexToAddress(account))
   if err != nil {
   fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Is ApprovedForAll:%t", tx))

Safe Transfer

An NFT owner or authorized wallet address can call this interface to safe transfer the NFT.

  • Input parameters: owner’s wallet address, receiver address, NFT token ID, attached args;

  • Output parameters: none;

  • Function definition: safeTransferFrom (address from, address to, uint256 tokenID, bytes memory data);

  • Event parameters: owner’s wallet address, receiver address, NFT token ID;

  • Event definition: Transfer (from, to, tokenID);

  • Example:

   func TestSafeTransferFrom(t *testing.T) {
   cli := server.NewETHClientByURL(t, url, key)
   session, err := e.NewERC721Session(cli, common.HexToAddress(Address))
   if err != nil {
   data := []byte{0x1}
   tokenId := new(big.Int).SetUint64(1)
   tx, err := session.SafeTransferFrom(common.HexToAddress(owner), common.HexToAddress(account), tokenId, data)
   if err != nil {
   fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("tx Hash: %s", tx.Hash().String()))


An NFT owner or authorized wallet address can call this interface to transfer the NFT.

  • Input parameters: owner’s wallet address, receiver address, NFT token ID;

  • Output parameters: none;

  • Function definition: transferFrom (address from, address to, uint256 tokenID);

  • Event parameters: owner’s wallet address, receiver address, NFT token ID;

  • Event definition: Transfer (from, to, tokenID);

  • Example:

   func TestTransferFrom(t *testing.T) {
   cli := server.NewETHClientByURL(t, url, key)
   session, err := e.NewERC721Session(cli, common.HexToAddress(Address))
   if err != nil {
   tokenId := new(big.Int).SetUint64(2)
   tx, err := session.TransferFrom(common.HexToAddress(owner), common.HexToAddress(account), tokenId)
   if err != nil {
   fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("tx Hash: %s", tx.Hash().String()))

NFT Destruction

An NFT owner or authorized wallet address can call this interface to destroy the NFT.

  • Input parameters: NFT token ID;

  • Output parameters: none;

  • Function definition: burn (uint256 tokenID);

  • Event parameters: owner’s wallet address, 0x0 address (null address), NFT token ID;

  • Event definition: Transfer (owner, address (0), tokenID);

  • Example:

   func TestBurn(t *testing.T) {
   cli := server.NewETHClientByURL(t, url, key)
   session, err := e.NewERC721Session(cli, common.HexToAddress(Address))
   if err != nil {
   tokenId := new(big.Int).SetUint64(1)
   tx, err := session.Burn(tokenId)
   if err != nil {
   fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("tx Hash: %s", tx.Hash().String()))

Query Quantity

Users can call this interface to query the quantity of the NFTs owned by this wallet address.

  • Input parameters: owner’s wallet address;

  • Output parameters: number of NFTs;

  • Function definition: balanceOf (address owner) view returns (uint256);

  • Example:

   func TestBalanceOf(t *testing.T) {
   cli := server.NewETHClientByURL(t, url, key)
   session, err := e.NewERC721Session(cli, common.HexToAddress(Address))
   if err != nil {
   tx, err := session.BalanceOf(common.HexToAddress(owner))
   if err != nil {
   fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("nft amount: %s", tx))

Query NFT Owner

Users can call this interface to query the owner of the NFT.

  • Input parameters: NFT token ID;

  • Output parameters: owner’s wallet address;

  • Function definition: ownerOf (uint256 tokenID) view returns (address);

  • Example:

   func TestOwnerOf(t *testing.T) {
   cli := server.NewETHClientByURL(t, url, key)
   session, err := e.NewERC721Session(cli, common.HexToAddress(Address))
   if err != nil {
   tokenId := new(big.Int).SetUint64(2)
   tx, err := session.OwnerOf(tokenId)
   if err != nil {
   fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Owner address: %s", tx.Hash().String()))

Query NFT Name

Users can call this interface to query the NFT name.

  • Input parameters: NFT token ID;

  • Output parameters: NFT name;

  • Function definition: tokenName (uint256 tokenID) view returns (string memory);

  • Example:

   ffunc TestTokenName(t *testing.T) {
   cli := server.NewETHClientByURL(t, url, key)
   session, err := e.NewERC721Session(cli, common.HexToAddress(Address))
   if err != nil {
   tokenId := new(big.Int).SetUint64(2)
   tx, err := session.TokenName(tokenId)
   if err != nil {
   fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("NFT name: %s", tx))

Query NFT Symbol

Users can call this interface to query the NFT symbol.

  • Input parameters: NFT token ID;

  • Output parameters: NFT symbol;

  • Function definition: tokenSymbol (uint256 tokenID) view returns (string memory);

  • Example:

   func TestTokenSymbol(t *testing.T) {
   cli := server.NewETHClientByURL(t, url, key)
   session, err := e.NewERC721Session(cli, common.HexToAddress(Address))
   if err != nil {
   tokenId := new(big.Int).SetUint64(2)
   tx, err := session.TokenSymbol(tokenId)
   if err != nil {
   fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("NFT symbol: %s", tx))


Users can call this interface to query the NFT URI.

  • Input parameters: NFT token ID;

  • Output parameters: NFT URI;

  • Function definition: tokenURI (uint256 tokenID) view returns (string memory);

  • Example:

   func TestTokenURI(t *testing.T) {
   cli := server.NewETHClientByURL(t, url, key)
   session, err := e.NewERC721Session(cli, common.HexToAddress(Address))
   if err != nil {
   tokenId := new(big.Int).SetUint64(2)
   tx, err := session.TokenURI(tokenId)
   if err != nil {
   fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("NFT URI: %s", tx))

Query Latest Token ID

Users can call this interface to query the latest NFT token ID.

  • Input parameters: none;

  • Output parameters: latest NFT token ID;

  • Function definition: getLatestTokenID() view returns (uint256);

  • Example:

   func TestGetLatestTokenID(t *testing.T) {
   cli := server.NewETHClientByURL(t, url, key)
   session, err := e.NewERC721Session(cli, common.HexToAddress(Address))
   if err != nil {
   tx, err := session.GetLatestTokenID()
   if err != nil {
   fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("tokenId: %s", tx))

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