What is BSN Spartan


Glossary Definition
Non-Cryptocurrency Public Chain (NC Public Chain) A Non-Cryptocurrency Public Chain is a transformed public chain framework based on an existing public chain. Gas Credit transfers are not permitted between standard wallets. There will be no cryptocurrency incentives for mining or participating in consensus.
End-user An end-user refers to a person or company that deploys or calls smart contracts on the BSN Spartan Network.
Virtual Data Center A Virtual Data Center is a set of locally installed software systems that contains one or more registered full nodes of different NC Public Chains. Each Virtual Data Center has one NTT wallet and is eligible to receive Node Establishment and Data Center Monthly Incentives.
Foundation Member Foundation Members refer to the members of the BSN Foundation. Each member must operate a Governance Data Center, which contains all NC Public Chain consensus nodes, and has the right to vote on governance matters of the BSN Spartan Network.
Consensus Node Nodes are used for proposing new blocks and voting for consensus mechanisms on NC Public Chains. Consensus Nodes can only be installed on Governance Data Centers operated by BSN Foundation members.
Full Node A Full Node on an NC Public Chain does not participate in consensus. Upon registering a Full Node on the BSN Spartan Network, it synchronizes all data on the specific chain. The data center to which the Full Node belongs will receive relevant incentives under the Node Establishment Incentive Program.
Default Chain The Default Chain is the only NC Public Chain on the BSN Spartan Network with NTT governance smart contracts. In addition to providing all regular NC Public Chain services, it also hosts the NTT economic mechanism and governance system of the BSN Spartan Network. The current default chain is the Spartan-I Chain (Powered by NC Ethereum).
Spartan-I Chain (Powered by NC Ethereum) The Spartan-I Chain is an NC Public Chain version of Ethereum and serves as the default chain of the BSN Spartan Network.
Spartan-II Chain (Powered by NC Cosmos) The Spartan-II Chain is an NC Public Chain version of Cosmos.
Spartan-III Chain (Powered by NC PolygonEdge) The Spartan-III Chain is an NC Public Chain version of Polygon Edge.
Gas In NC Public Chains, Gas is the amount of resources consumed during a transaction or smart contract execution.
Gas Credit In a similar fashion to cryptocurrencies, Gas Credits are used as a means of paying the Gas fee on NC Public Chains. However, Gas Credits cannot be transferred between standard wallets. Only the Data Center Operator's NTT wallet can be used to purchase Gas Credits with NTT.
Non-Tradable Token (NTT) A Non-Tradable Token (NTT) is a digital token that is issued on the default chain of the BSN Spartan Network. Each BSN Spartan data center has only one registered NTT wallet to manage and hold NTT, which can be purchased with fiat currency, designated stablecoins or acquired through incentive programs. NTT can be used to purchase Gas Credits on any NC Public Chain of the BSN Spartan Network. NTT can neither be traded nor transferred between data centers.
Wallet Wallet refers to the wallet address or smart contract address of an NC Public Chain on the BSN Spartan Network, which can be generated arbitrarily by users. The wallets are used to hold non-transferable Gas Credits.
NTT Wallet As a special type of Default Chain wallet, the NTT Wallet refers to the only wallet address owned by the Virtual Data Center Operator on the BSN Spartan Network, which can be used to purchase Gas Credits with NTT or receive NTT incentives.
Gas Credit Master Wallets A Gas Credit Master Wallet refers to the wallet address, or smart contract address used to mint, top up, or destroy the Gas Credits of NC Public Chains. A Gas Credit Master Wallet can only be generated by the Spartan Network operator with permission from the BSN Foundation.
Governance System The governance system is an off-chain system installed locally by each Foundation member and is responsible for managing the voting and governance of the Spartan Network.
Foundation Website The official website of the BSN Foundation at https://www.bsn.foundation.

What is blockchain

" A blockchain is a type of Digital Ledger Technology (DLT) that consists of growing list of records, called blocks, which are securely linked together using cryptography. "

Blockchain technology was used to build digital ledgers when it was first invented, but with the continuous upgrading and iteration of the technology, various innovative applications based on blockchain continue to emerge, and NFTs are one of the most common applications. The emergence of NFTs clearly tells the world that the potential of blockchain technology is far more than a small ledger, but a new generation of data management system that could replace traditional databases. For a healthy and secure blockchain system, the data on the chain cannot be secretly tampered with, nor can it be accidentally deleted. Users can easily verify the data's authenticity and accuracy, which greatly reduces the cost of communication, increases trust and improves the efficiency of data use. In addition, in our opinion, blockchain will also become a pivotal technology to promote the evolution of traditional private IT systems to new public IT systems.

What is Non-Cryptocurrency Public Chain

A Non-Cryptocurrency Public Chain is a transformed public chain framework based on an existing public chain. Gas Credit transfers are not permitted between standard wallets. There are no cryptocurrency incentives for mining or participating in consensus.

What is Default Chain

The Default Chain is the only NC Public Chain on the BSN Spartan Network with NTT governance smart contracts. In addition to providing all regular NC Public Chain services, the chain also hosts the NTT economic mechanism and governance system of the BSN Spartan Network. The current default chain is the Spartan-I Chain (Powered by NC Ethereum).

What is a Wallet

Wallet refers to the wallet address or smart contract address of an NC Public Chain on the BSN Spartan Network, which can be generated arbitrarily by users. The wallets are used to hold non-transferable Gas Credits.

Full Node & Consensus Node

  • Full Nodes: A Full Node on a NC Public Chain does not participate in consensus. Upon registering a Full Node on the BSN Spartan Network, it synchronizes all data on the specific chain. The data center to which the Full Node belongs will receive relevant incentives under the Node Establishment Incentive Program.

  • Consensus/Validator Nodes: Nodes are used for proposing new blocks and voting for consensus mechanisms on NC Public Chains. Consensus Nodes can only be installed on Governance Data Centers operated by BSN Foundation members.

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